The most effective action to improve Safety at Work

The one single most effective action to improve safety at work

Despite the complexity of the Work Health & Safety Laws and Regulations, the basic principle of legal compliance and improving safety at work is fairly simple.

However, before we get into the technical side, we would like to share with you the one single, most effective action that you and your managers can take to improve health and safety at work.  If you do this, you and your organisation will take a massive leap towards compliance and protection from fines and prosecution.

Get this one, single step right first..

The single most effective action that you and your managers can take to improve health and safety in your workplace is to lead by example.

Yes, that’s right, if senior management can demonstrate commitment and genuinely promote that health and safety is critical to the daily operation of the business, your workers will too.  There are countless examples of how this one, single factor can largely effect the success OR failure of keeping a workplace safe and legally compliant.

Where to Start

As a starting point, you and your managers need to have a sound understanding of health and safety issues and the impact it has on your operation and the people involved.

Generally, this means:

  • Seek to understand your and your team’s legal responsibility and how this effects safety at work
  • Eliminate or control the hazards within your workplace
  • Make your managers and supervisors accountable for WHS performance – Include safety at work in their KPIs
  • Involve Health and Safety in all operational decisions and relevant meetings
  • Train your employees – read more about training here

How do I manage workplace risks?

Risk management is a process in which you identify risks, estimate impacts of risks, and developing strategies to manage risks.

An effective management of risks will dramatically increase safety at work. Read more about risk management here

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