EyrePlus Foundation Skills for Your Future Remote Community Pilot Step 1 of 3 33% RCP Foundation Skills for Your Future LLND Program Pilot Provider Name Training Participant Name (optional; ensure learner is happy to give their name) First Last Program / Activity Name Survey Setting*IndividualGroupNumber in groupDate Survey Completed DD slash MM slash YYYY Survey Completed byTraining ParticipantProvider (on behalf of Training Participant/s)Other (Please specify below)If other selected above (Please specify) The answers you give will help us to understand your experiences of the Pilot and also help us to improve the Pilot for you and your community. You do not have to answer the questions and you can say at any time if you do not want to take part any more.Any information you give will not be shared with anyone outside of the Pilot team, unless you say we can share it. The information you give will be stored in line with Australia’s Privacy Laws, which we have to follow. 1. What activities have you taken part in as part of the Community Pilot run by EyrePlus?Training workshopsComputer trainingOnline modulesCommunity ProjectsOther2. What other activities did you complete? 3. Which one did you enjoy the most? 4. Was there anything you didn’t enjoy, if so which one? 5. Why did you want to join the Pilot?6. How did you hear about the Pilot? 7. How important are your English Language, Literacy, Numeracy and Digital literacy (LLND) skills to you in reaching your goals? Very happy A little happy Not sure A little unhappy Very unhappy 8. By being in the Pilot, do you think your English Language, Literacy, Numeracy and Digital literacy (LLND) skills have. Stayed the same Improved a little Improved a lot 9. How has being part of the Pilot affected your English Language, Literacy, Numeracy and Digital literacy (LLND) skills confidence? I am. A lot more confident A little more confident No change Less confident A lot less confident 10. How do you feel about your English Language, Literacy, Numeracy and Digital literacy (LLND) skills progress in the Pilot so far? I am... Very happy A little happy Not sure A little unhappy Very unhappy 11. Has being in the Pilot brought you closer to reaching your goals? Not sure Not at all A little A lot 12. How happy are you with your future training or employment plan that you have developed during the Pilot? Very happy A little happy Not sure A little unhappy Very unhappy 13. Do you think EyrePlus has done a good job as your Pilot Provider? Very happy A little happy Not sure A little unhappy Very unhappy 14. How does the pilot make you feel? Very happy A little happy Not sure A little unhappy Very unhappy 15. What could the Pilot do better for you and your community?16. Is there anything else you’d like to say?CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.