CASE STUDY – Working with clients to create online training solutions
The TANDI team recently had the pleasure of working on a project with Eliza Pross, the Director of Ochre and Salt.
Eliza contacted us because she needed to alter the way she delivers Cultural Competency training to medical practitioners. Due to the impacts of COVID-19, Eliza was exploring ways to convert some of her workshop facilitated training to an online format and TANDI was an ideal solution to the challenge.
We worked with Eliza to convert her content to interactive online learning modules, which she hosts on the TANDI Learning Management System (LMS) platform. Her training program is now a blended offering, and she can easily allocate and manage the online lessons for her clients.
My role as the instructional designer was to convert Eliza’s training material to eLearning content. I really enjoyed working with Eliza; her content was very interesting and well mapped out. We used Eliza’s contemporary Aboriginal artwork throughout the project to make the training visually pleasing and to give further emphasis on the training material.

Apart from the beautiful artwork and informative, thought-provoking content, some elements of the training that I really like are an Acknowledgement of Country video that we made and was narrated by Eliza; opportunities for the learner to stop and consider their beliefs, experiences and knowledge; interactive activities that include branching scenarios, so the learner can explore the impacts of the decisions they make when working with their clients; case studies that have been narrated by Aboriginal people that give a genuine insight into their situation.
Here is an example of one of the activities in the course;
Ochre and Salt provides human service consultancy and capacity building programs to improve systems, relationships and wellbeing. To find out more, please visit their website.
If you are looking for online training solutions, I would encourage you to give us a call and discuss your needs. We can help you with all areas of your project. CONTACT US