Topics Included in the Work Place Health and Safety Training are;
- Workplace Health and Safety laws in Australia
- Safety responsibilities
- General safety instructions
- Fit for work – Alcohol, Drugs, Fatigue and Illness
- Hazard and risk control
- Making changes – hierarchy of controls
- Reporting hazards
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- What to do when an incident, accident or injury occurs
- First Aid
- Slips, trips and falls
- Manual handling
- Repetitive or sustained awkward postures
- Working in a sitting position
- Working in a standing position
- Stretching and rest periods
- Working with electricity
- Working at height
- Chemicals
- Handling Sharps/Syringes
- Occupational Stress
- Abusive and/or Aggressive customers
- Sun Safety
- Heat stress & heat related illnesses
- Workplace harassment