FREE Candidate Marketing Training for Service Providers

Reverse Marketing job seekers is one of the most important functions of employees in the Employment Services industry . . . it is also one of the most challenging and one of the most avoided tasks.

It is important because it gets results, it increases the company’s branding and it can empower job seekers to do their own marketing as well.

Even an organisation who has identified Candidate Marketing roles, should encourage Case Managers/Employment Consultants to do regular marketing of their job seekers.

Consultants are resistant to doing this exercise because it is out side of their comfort zone. Here are some tips to Managers to encourage the use of Candidate Marketing from their team;

  • Understand the reluctance and fears associated with this activity. Simply setting a KPI and expecting change to happen will not work.
  • Incorporate this activity into their diaries and into the schedule of activities performed in job seeker appointments. This will also alleviate the excuse of ‘I don’t have time’.
  • Constantly promote the activity as a solution. For example;
    • a consultant identifies that a job seeker with little work experience has had no success in gaining interviews. A solution would be to generate interviews with potential employers (or even work experience placements) through advocation with employers.
    • a consultant feels that a job seeker is not genuinely or effectively marketing themselves. Reverse marketing WITH the job seeker will ensure they are completing their job searching activities and the employment consultant is coaching the job seeker on how to approach potential employers.
    • where consultants state there are very few jobs being advertised in a region or industry, offer reverse marketing as a solution because 80% of vacancies are not advertised and candidate marketing is the most effective way to access the hidden job market.
  • Provide support and training. Resistance is usually because of lack of confidence in ability or knowledge.
  • Provide a lot of feedback; especially celebrating the wins. Also coach employment consultants so they are improving and exploring different techniques.
  • Walk the Talk. Don’t be afraid to pick up the phone and do your own marketing. Most managers in the industry would have a wide range of contacts within their networks who could help you access potential vacancies.

Once employment consultants gain confidence and success in performing candidate marketing, this activity will become the ‘norm’ in your organisation and everyone will reap the benefits.

I have created a quick coaching tool that you are FREE to use : REVERSE MARKETING LIKE A BOSS

TANDI offers a range of online training products for Employment Service providers;

  • Employment Services Workers Online Employee Inductions
  • Safety training for Work for the Dole and CDP Participants
  • Workshop resources for delivering Job Search Training

TANDI Online Employee Inductions are a great marketing tool for ALL job seekers. Training declarations are a good inclusion to resumes to demonstrate safety training in specific industries, including Hospitality, Retail, Farming, Health & Community Services, White Collar and Warehousing.

CLICK HERE to find out more about Employment Services products

CLICK HERE to find out more about our Employee Inductions across a range of industries and roles