Do you have confidence in what you have to say in front of a room full of your peers? Or even when you are presenting on video?
The saying that the longest journey is from the head to your heart is so true. Part of gaining the intrinsic self-worth where you are at a point of comfort in presenting your content comes from a deep, internal self-confidence in what you have to offer and the focus is on the value that your listener will receive.
Confidence in public speaking is actually a beautiful added benefit that comes when you have the inner self-worth that comes from a place of compassion and grace.
My program goes far deeper than just ticking the boxes on standing in front of a room and speaking. The ability to have that skill and thrive in the moment comes from being fully immersed and present with those around you.
⭐️ YOU:️ Knowing who you are as a presenter, owning your style. Presenting in flow with your personality.
⭐️ Conscious Communication: The levels of persuasion, objections, intuitive listening and common mistakes to avoid.
⭐️ Content:️ Forming your core topics, structure of a speech and perfecting the elevator pitch
⭐️ Ditch the notes. Preparation, surveys and mind maps. PowerPoint, sourcing images and credit referencing.
⭐️ Work the room: Body language, shading, stage logic, managing energies.
⭐️ Optimize your reach: How to grow your business and set your fees. Getting comfortable with video.
This course includes 6 x interactive online lessons and a free coaching session with Lesley Van Staveren